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Wearable Processor With 30 Days Battery Life

A start-up company based in India, called Ineda Systems, has officially announced a “wearable processor unit”.  This may well kick off the race to find dramatically better battery life for wearable devices. The wearable tech market has yet to truly explode.  This is in contradiction to the way that some analysts have predicted.  This trend isn’t stopping both industry giants and small start-ups from trying to punch through the market though.

From the Pebble Smartwatch, to the upcoming Android Wear, and everything in between, companies are still trying to come up with the next best thing!  So has the tipping point been reached?  Will wearable tech soon hit the roof? It is unclear.  Many things stand in the way.  For instance, battery life is a major downside to Smartwatches.


A regular wristwatch will last several years, at times.  Smartwatches, at the early stages, had to be charged everyday.  Devices such as Gear 2 or the Pebble have batteries lasting 3-7 days but this is not even comparable to standard watches.  The question remains, do people care whether they have to charge their watches often or not?  After all, if you are planning on spending money of this piece of kit, you are doing it for the actual technology, are you not?  However, Ineda Systems are coming close to designing a long lasting processor for Smartwatches.

The Dhanush chip line has been newly released and could bring up to 1 month plus battery life to Smartwatches and other wearable technology.  There are four different levels.  The first level is the Nano which offers Microcontrollers (MCU) and Static Random Access Memory (SRAM); the second level is Micro, offering 2 level Host Channel Adapter (HCA) and SRAM; the third is called Optima and offers 2 Level HCA, Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and SRAM; lastly, is the Advanced which has a 3 level HCA, DRAM and SRAM.  These chips will be available in many different products such as fitness trackers and Smartwatches.  The Dhanush chips also perform at 10MHz to 500MHz.  At 500MHz, they are in an ‘always on’ mode, allowing them to take sensor readings at all times of day.  It also has its own built-in security. The chips have also been designed to combine with MIPS processor cores and Power VR graphics for higher-end devices, without compromising battery life.

But can they attract a large enough market? Already, companies such as Samsung, Qualcomm, Imagination Technologies and others are invested in Ineda Systems.  They have raised $25 million, they have 180 employees as well as board members who are well known in the technology field.

They are currently carrying out customer trials and there are rumours that product deals could be made within 3-6 months.  Exciting times are about to befall the wearable technology industry.  We shall have to wait and see!

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