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Basic Strategies To Boost traffic To Your blog

There is no need to tell you about how essential traffic is for a blog to grow and make money. Does not matter either you are blogging for money or being passionate about blogging . Traffic is always required for promoting your content and turning your blog into a brand.

Nowdays most of the bloggers wants to know how to get traffic to their blog. Traffic is always required whether you want to make sales via affiliate marketing or wanna get some direct advertisers or good rankings traffic always matters. For increasing your blog traffic there are a lot of things that you can do you just need to set an plan and let your analytics to show some results to you. So today we will be talking about some of the Strategies To Boost traffic to your blog.

Strategies To Boost traffic to your blog

1.Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine optimization is always being the best and recommended way to boost traffic of your blog. Seo is being always prefered by the pro bloggers to boost traffic over any other method. For increasing the traffic to your blog using search engine optimization you had to keep track of your blog on-page seo and off page seo. Where on page seo will assist google to find out that what your page is about . Where as off page seo like link building will show how popular your blog is and it is a major factor to rank your blog better in the search engines. In short to say is that if you to boost the traffic of your blog you must be good at seo.

2.Social Media

Social medias are very popular among bloggers and webmasters these days. You can easily boost the traffic of your blog with spending some time and sharing your content with your friends on social media like facebook , twitter ,google +. You can get more unique visitor from social media by sharing your blog posts with them . By sharing interesting content with your friends on social medias and doing some group posting can really drive good effective traffic to your blog. Doing so will help users follow your blog updates through the social medias you use.

When you look for getting traffic from social media then there are many social media sites which are Facebook , Twitter, Google +, linkedin,stumbleupon and many more. The best thing about social media is that your efforts will help you build following and extra share like facebook likes and shares , twitter tweets which are very helpful in link building.

3. Email Marketing

When your main goal is to make money with blogging email marketing helps a lot in getting traffic to your blog. Email marketing is being the primary weapon to boost your blog traffic. Email marketing is not a new option but it still works like a charm and is so effective to boost your traffic and conversion. Probably thats the reason that you see email subscription boxes everywhere on the net.  The truth behind this is that email marketing is the foundation of affiliate marketing.  Apart form boosting your conversions and making money once you build a list of subscribers to your blog it will be very easy to engage with them with good valuable information and updates of your blog.

4.Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging is another better way to boost traffic to your blog. Doing guest blogging on blog with page rank of 3-4 will surely help you in increasing the traffic to your blog. As the blogs with page rank 3-4 will surely have better and quality traffic and by guest blogging on their blog you will get exposure to huge audience of their blog and you will get attention of their readers and traffic also. If you are able to contribute a good and quality post to their blog then their audience will surely visit your blog. Try to maintain a good guest posting frequency per month like 5-6 guest posts per month on high quality blogs will be very useful and effective too. Doing guest posting will also bring high quality backlinks to your blog which will help you in improving the page rank of your blog with traffic.

Final Words

So these were the top 4 Strategies that i use to increase the traffic to my blog and you should also use the above tips to Boost Traffic to your blog. Do tell me your views what do you think and Strategies you use to increase traffic to your blog.
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